What is Engage4?
Your business has an increasingly dispersed workforce, whether that’s volunteers or freelancers, remote working or expanding to new sites, or even just people that are out and about a lot of the time.
So how do you create, or recreate, that intangible ‘cultural glue’ that makes your place of work a great place to work?
Introducing Engage4 – a bespoke employee engagement app enabling you to maintain your unique workplace culture.
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Connect, Onboard, Unite and Retain… all in one app
Discover your mobile workforce solution today.
It’s vital your people feel connected to your workplace. The app allows you to provide business updates and insights, share success and recognise individuals. It facilitates those familiar day-to-day ‘work chats’ – and provides a real sense of inclusion.
Top Connect features: newsfeed, groups, polls

With Engage4 you can help your new hires feel right at home from day one. No one wants to be a suit in a building full of denim! On the app, people in your organisation can see a welcome video from the CEO, get instant access to all their important docs with your company knowledgebase (hello holiday form) and start to build relationships with people in and out of their team.
Top Onboard features: microlearning, challenges, events, knowledgebase, video announcements

With a fractured and displaced workforce, it’s your unique culture that can unite them. This ‘cultural glue’ can be cultivated by using social collaboration tools to keep employees engaged and happy. Social software is a central force in any successful company – and harnessing this great feedback process and system is key.
Top Unite features: check-in pulse, groups, challenges, employee recognition

Your people are an ever-appreciating asset: the longer they stay the more value they add. The cost of replacing them doesn’t bear thinking about. But how do you keep them and motivate them? Cultivating your workforce, setting and tracking wellbeing goals and fostering positive relationships will help you keep your prized assets happy. Wherever they are.
Top Retain features: polls and surveys, check-in pulse, micro-learning, video announcements

How Engage4 works
Get started in just 3 steps.

Sign up for a free trial
Regardless of the size or ambition of your organisation, we’ll get you started with a free trial.

Get your employees communicating
We’ll help you get your team up and running on the app, and train your super users so you can get the best out of the platform.

See the results!
Using the dashboard you’ll be able to see the wellbeing and engagement of your people improve… not to mention the difference you’ll see in them day to day as your culture builds!
What our clients say
Engage4 – an app to build and maintain engagement in a changing working world
For an increasingly remote workforce
We were already well on the road to more flexible working arrangements: and then bang – the global pandemic struck.
It acted as a mighty accelerant and dispersed our workers like never before. No longer were they deskbound in the workplace as they sought space and safety from others. HR management systems went into overdrive as they sought to cope with this new-world employee experience.
As the year wore on employee assistance programs were developed to prevent absenteeism and potentially expensive employee churn. But perhaps the biggest hit on companies was that intangible ‘cultural glue’ that binds and unites workforces. How do you onboard employees with your company values and beliefs when no-one is actually physically ‘on board’ in the office? This is where Engage4 fills that gap.
Using 360 feedback, occupational stress models, surveys – amongst other critical resource management tools – Engage4 will put your unique company culture back where it belongs.
For the already deskless
We love being able to help companies build a great workplace culture and employee experience. Something that is especially important (and challenging!) if your staff are based in different locations and don’t really work from a computer.
Allowing employees on building sites, in lorries, at supermarket checkouts and in restaurant dining rooms to better understand the values their company holds dear is an important part of an engaged and retained workforce.
And for those with a combination of deskbound and deskless workers – it’s often the latter that feel left out. Feel left out of birthday cakes, work gossip, fundraisers and even important business updates. Engage4 creates a virtual lunchroom that anyone with a smartphone can get involved in.
And even boost your Staff Net Promoter Score too.